Call 248-619-9710
We ship to locations within the United States and North America. In order to ship directly to Canada or Mexico, please contact us (you cannot order online). We do not ship outside of North America.
When you place an order, we will estimate shipping and delivery dates based on item availability and the shipping options. We can ship small parcel orders using your UPS or FedEx account. We can also ship larger orders via the freight carrier of your choice. You can just enter your carrier details during checkout on our site, or call us at 248-619-9710 if you need assistance.
Please note, for larger/heavier items that need to ship via LTL service, the freight charges assessed cover transportation only. Additional services, such as inside delivery, a scheduled appointment time, a liftgate, etc. are not included in the freight charges. If such services are required, please call us and we will assist in making the arrangements. You will be responsible for any additional fees such services incur.
General stock items, such as bus plugs and panel switches ship on average within a day of placing an order. Orders for bus duct depend on the quantity and type of items ordered.
Repairs and custom builds are estimated on a per order basis.
The shipping rates for many items we sell are based on the shipping dimensions and the weight. The rates are set by the carriers. We may adjust the shipping rate a small bit for variance. We do not mark up shipping significantly.
To reflect the policies of the shipping companies, all weights will be rounded up to the next full pound.
Items that ship can go in a box will be shipped UPS by default.
Many items cannot ship by package service (UPS or FedEx) due to their size and/or weight. Items such as bus duct, larger tap boxes, and larger bus plugs must ship by motor freight.
Our preferred carrier is FedEx Freight, We can ship by any carrier of your choice on your freight account.
We have had poor outcomes shipping larger bus plugs through the package services (those around 100 pounds). If you still want the item shipped through a package service, we require a credit card, and a waiver that you understand Legacy will not warranty the item.
Our terms are FOB Origin, which means you own the item once it leaves our facility. We are generally willing to work with you on shipping problems, including damage. We do our best to package items to insure they are not damaged in shipping.
We do not insure items against loss or damage, unless instructed to do so by you, at added cost.